Posts tagged favorites
The {H} Family - Sioux Falls Lincoln Lakes Family Portraits

Mom’s and dads, we’ve all been there. Family pictures with the little ones can get a little crazy! A three year old, a one year old… and then throw in the family dog, and you never know what you’re going to get! This family session near Chelsey and Alex’s home in Lincoln Lakes was on a perfect late summer day. The light was ooey golden goodness and the kids… completely adorable.

Truth is, family portraits can be as stressful or fun as you want them to be. Mom Chelsey is a pro at both being a mom and as a photographer, and while the littles had their own agenda, I am not sure I have laughed so much at a session! These kids are the cutest and we still got amazingly fun images that are sure to be treasured forever!

This is yet another family I’ve seen grow from mom - I did her senior pictures, to a family - I shot Chelsey and Alex’s wedding… (one of my all time favorites, EVER!! Check it out here: Chelsey + Alex) to now a family of four. It means the world to me to see my clients year after year. I can’t wait to see these kiddos grow up into amazing humans just like their sweet parents!

If you have crazy kids, we’d love to be your photographer! Just send us an EMAIL and we’ll be in touch!

A growing Sioux Falls Family! Multi-generation family session at Great Bear

For over 15 years I have been able to photograph this gorgeous family. From years ago on the capital steps in Pierre, to this past fall when they trusted my new location idea! These are my people. My oldest — and favorite — clients. <3

I have seen it grow from four people, to five, then to six, seven and eight! Some families imprint a special place in your heart and from Miss Kait as just an 8th grader, to photographing her senior photos I have loved seeing her turn into a fantastic adult. She dotes on her sweet niece and handsome nephews. There was a few years we lived in separate cities, but I was able to photograph Miss Jorja and Mr. Beckett as newborns.

This family treasures family portraits. They make a special time each year to capture the kids growing bigger, the family growing larger, and the changes all of them have made alone the way. I am forever grateful they choose me to capture these memories year after year.

If you’re interested in your own family portrait session, we’d love to chat!