Business owners

Many of us, myself included, suddenly have a lot of time on our hands. I wanted to figure out a way to help my friends in a way that gives some guidance NOW and also will help them for the future. I was talking to a few business friends, and one mentioned she wished she had an email list, but didn’t know where to start! I’ve been toying with doing this for a long time, but I was busy with my studio.
I have the time now and I want to help you.

Over 10 years ago I accidentally discovered how powerful and useful having a solid email list is.
Oh a whim one day in 2008 or so, I organized every client I’d ever had and sent out a mass email offer. It was about this time of year and I needed to get some clients in the door. The response was crazy (I booked 48 sessions that week!) and I was hooked. While our situation today is very different, having a solid email list has helped me create some income producing activities this week when my income suddenly stopped.
I can help you too. You can do this too.

Over the last decade I have worked diligently creating and cultivating an email list that serves my business and clients and I want to share that information with you. It’s not all that hard, but sometimes you just need a little guidance on putting it all together.

Weither you’re a photographer, or any other business owner that needs help getting your list together. This will help.

Totally free.

What we’ll cover…
• How to gather your information
• What software to use.
• How to get started
• Segmentation & Automation
• What kind of things to send.

Tuesday, March 31 at 10am CST

Sign up below
and I will send the info over prior to the webinar